A young man was killed during the baptism of his son

A young man was murdered in Saint Theresa’s Church of the Child Jesus in Risalda, Colombia. Rigoberto Corredor Bermúdez, the Bishop of Pereira, strongly condemned the assassin’s actions.
On the 28th of October, a large number of children were being baptised in Saint Theresa’s Church, in Risalda, Colombia. The gunman, who was seated among the faithful at the Mass, abruptly rose from his pew at the back of the church and fired at the 26-year-old Kedwin Fernando Piedrahíta Marín, whose son was being baptised at the Mass.
After firing at the young man, the attacker ran out of the church but was quickly captured by the police.
In a statement later, Bishop Rigoberto Corredor condemned the crime and expressed his solidarity with the family of the victim and the entire parish community. He added that temples and churches are consecrated places appointed for sacred worship and that this criminal act was a violation, not only of human rights but also of the rights of God and his Church.
The bishop requested every priest of the Diocese of Pereira to make an “act of reparation” in their parishes to reaffirm the sacredness of human life and to foster respect for the Eucharist and sacred places.
Finally, the bishop reiterated the significance of the fifth commandment: “You shall not kill,” insisting that only God is the author of human life and that no individual can take it upon himself to end the life of another under any circumstances.
Source: Acidigital