Honeymoon in prison

Pastor Lam evangelised in prison after listening to the voice of God
Pastor Lam walked the towns and villages in Vietnam evangelising everywhere he went. On many occasions he was attacked because of his Christian faith, yet never once did he abandon God.
Just after his wedding, Lam and his wife were arrested by police; both spent their honeymoon in prison in two separate cells. An obvious question for any believer who finds himself in this situation could be: “Lord, why did you let this happen to me?” Pastor Lam relates that while in prayer he pleaded with the Lord: “God, you brought me here for a purpose— let me know what it is.”
As time passed, he was watching the other prisoners and saw that they had nothing to do, spending the day bored in their cells. He recognised that his fellow prisoners, confined without purpose or destiny could be encouraged to pray during the long hours. For several days he talked to the inmates about Christ. What he didn’t know was that his wife was doing the same thing in the women’s cells.
Surprisingly, many of the prisoners listened to his words and converted, much to the resentment of the prison authorities. Eventually, the couple was informed of their imminent release. To the surprise of the authorities, Pastor Lam asked if they could continue their work in the prison complex for a few more days, a request that was bluntly refused.
Sometimes we do not readily understand God’s purposes, yet we have to learn to trust him, as pastor Lam did.
Source, photo: Portas Abertas
Translator: Ildikó Ungvári