World News

Argentinian play mocks the Virgin Mary and the Eucharist

Szűz Mária zöld kendőben

According to a statement from the Argentinian Religious Liberty Council (CALIR), an Argentinian play mocked the Virgin Mary, the Eucharist and promoted abortion. It was deemed by them to be an attack against religious liberty.


The Argentinian Religious Liberty Council sharply criticised Lisandro Rodríguez’s play called ‘Dios’ (God) that was released on the 20th June in the Cultural Municipal Center of Rafaela. In a statement, the Council objected to the central message of the work.


During the play, the actors – that were naked – simulated a Catholic Mass. They also draped a green cloth –  a sign used by supporters of abortion in Argentina – over images of both the Virgin Mary and Pope Francis.


The CALIR statement said: “Once again, a cultural symbol was used to offend and provoke religious feelings. This time, it was used against Argentinian Christians.” The statement went on to say: “Religious sentiments can be traced back to the dawn of humanity and should be protected by governments. This kind of attack goes against religious liberty; its effect is often underestimated. It is therefore deserving of condemnation and an explanation as to why it can be so damaging is needed.”   The CALIR statement continued: “While admitting that liberty of expression and of the arts was very important and must be respected, we also have to respect others. Tolerance, and respect are indispensable in a civilised society”.


Arguing that aggression encourages hate and that according to the international human rights statements, promotion of intolerance damages freedom of expression, the institution insisted that authorities should safeguard religious liberty in all circumstances. “The Argentinian people should be proud of these rights and bravely profess their faith,” they said.
Source: acidigital

Translator: Ildikó Ungvári

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