Tag: persecuted Christians

Pakistani Christians endure 80 incidents of persecution so far in 2020

According to Open Doors, Pakistan is ranked fifth on the list of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted for their faith

Police investigation about baptism service of Christian Church in India

The accusation argued that Christians do not have a right to live in India, as India belongs to Hindus.

North Korea’s secret Christians

Religious persecution, abuse in North Korea is markedly worse for Christians

The persecution of Christians in just one month - Part III.

This is an unusual and sad collection of hate towards Christians - abduction, rape, and forced conversion of Christian women

Prayer service targeted by Pakistani police

During a prayer before providing a free meal for the poor, the police officers appeared and roughly disturbed the prayer service

Pakistani Christians severely beaten by extremists

“Muslims will rebound as they chanted torching Christian’s houses, disgracing women, vandalizing Churches"

Christian family badly beaten in Chhattisgarh State, India

An Indian Christian family was brutally attacked by radical Hindu Nationalists for refusing to deny their Christian faith

The persecution of Christians in just one month - Part I.

The following are among the abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians all around the Globe throughout the month of May 2020

Seven Christian converts sentenced in Iran

Recent weeks have shown that we can expect the country to continue in its persecution of Christians.

Tristan Azbej’s open letter to Human Rights Watch

"I still have faith that one day the dignity of these communities will be worth as much in your eyes…"