Tag: Cross

Christian college compels students to remove 'offensive' cross necklaces

A reputable Methodist girls’ school in Melbourne has asked its students to remove cross necklaces as they may be “offensive”

A cross and a figure of Jesus were vandalised in Poland

Residents note that such an act of vandalism has never occurred before, not even during the war.

The Way of the Cross of an Italian town was vandalised

A statue of Christ was stolen from the first of the stations of the cross.

A Swiss TV channel prohibited its presenter from wearing a cross pendant

This situation has caused a great discussion in Switzerland regarding religious freedom.

A cross was removed from a playground in Berlin

The cross was replaced with an orange cat.

Christian worker fired for refusing to remove cross necklace awarded over $26,00

The man was informed that he was terminated for not complying with the company's instructions.

A cross has been stolen from a German church

The suspect has already been caught for similar offenses.

Yet another cross demolished in Spain

The leftist narrative behind these actions is justified by the lie claiming Christian symbols are somehow fascist.

Vandal cut a roadside cross with a saw in Poland

The recording shows a man using a cordless grinder, sawing the wooden structure of the cross and pushing it to the ground.