Patriarch Sako: Pandemic strengthens Islamic-Christian solidarity
Christians distribute aid to Muslims in solidarity and without religious distinctions.
Time frame of prisoners on furlough extended in Iran
The temporary release of prisoners will be extended until 20th of May
Fulani conduct several attack in Plateau and Benue States against Christians
Over the last few years there were at least three attacks in which people were killed.
Easter during pandemic —in the name of forgiveness and in memory of the martyrs
"The confinement is an opportunity to rediscover and strengthen our faith in God."
Egyptian priest: pandemic "is bringing Christians and Muslims closer”
The pandemic is making people rediscover the value of closeness and solidarity.
Hundreds of Christians at risk in northwestern Syria
Despite the volatile situation, two Franciscan priests are still carrying out their pastoral work in the Oronte valley.
Pakistan: food aid denied for over 100 Christian families amid coronavirus
This is the third incident of discrimination against Christians in Pakistan since the outbreak of COVID-19
Patriarch Sako: May the Lord protect Iraq and the world
"Everyone must analyse their own behavior. Self-criticism should be everyone’s “duty,” Patriarch Sako said.
Indiscriminate attacks on villages: religious conflict fomented in Mozambique
"According to international media, the attacks are carried out by Islamists linked to ISIS".
Boko Haram poses regional danger to Central Africa and religious minorities
Christians living in Northern Nigeria are at risk.