World News

Chinese Catholic community stands for the protection of women

The "brides from far away" phenomenon has increased its presence in China. The term covers women who, in most cases, belong to an ethnic minority, live in poverty, and are in many cases neglected and abused. In the less developed regions of China, where "brides from far away" are more common, the Catholic community stands up for their protection.

A characteristic trait that has an increasing presence for the less developed territories of China is the phenomenon of “brides from far away”. These women come from remote regions of China and in most cases belong to an ethnic minority group. They live in extreme poverty and in many cases they experience domestic and social abuse and violence. In some cases, they can be considered victims of human trafficking since they do not know their future husbands, and they become the object of a buy and sell transaction, arranged by their families.

Professor Kang Zhijie, a researcher at the Macau Institute of Jinan University, studied the phenomenon of the “brides from far away” and the care they receive from the Catholic community. As Professor Kang notes in his report entitled “Study on Catholic Care for brides from far away,” that in many cases, the abused and neglected brides find care and protection in the local Catholic communities. In the report, Professor Kang states that the Catholic Church in the People’s Republic of China has played an extremely important role in caring for the sick and for people in vulnerable positions, such as “brides from far away,” in recent years.

The research shows that the care they receive in the Catholic community helps them overcome the hardships. This is made manifest in multiple testimonies about the huge positive impact that faith and the community have on their lives. In certain areas, pastoral groups specializing in the needs of “brides from far away” have been established. Their local Catholic communities often organize catechism and Bible readings especially for them, trying to help their integration into the local society. Their work has already had many positive results. Some women find harmony with their husbands, feel involved in their family, and, on multiple occasions, become catechists themselves, helping other women in similar situations.

Source: Agenzia Fides

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