Chinese house church fears more persecution
The Covenant House Church in Shanxi province in northeast China has requested prayers for its congregation as authorities are preparing to resume their investigation into a fabricated case that resulted in the imprisonment of two of its pastors and a church member.
The case, which alleges that preachers Li Jie and Han Xiaodong and a church member Wang Qiang had “defrauded” congregants through tithings and offerings, has been sent back to the Bureau of Public Security for further investigation, the U.S.-based group China Aid reported this week, citing the church’s prayer request.
The resumption of the investigation will allow the police to continue their persecution of church members, said the group, which monitors human rights violations in China.
The two preachers were arrested last August during an outdoor family camp and placed in residential surveillance, the group said, adding that officials coerced false confessions from some church members, leading to the arrest of a third man, Wang Qiang.