Tag: house church

Protestant church raided and four leaders detained

Chinese police raided the church's Sunday worship, detaining a pastor and three lay leaders.

Rwanda government closes down more than 5000 churches

Churches, mosques and other places of worship affected by the shutdown failed to meet the standard requirements

Chinese house church leader sentenced to five years in prison

Christians are outraged following the punishment of an elderly Christian church leader in China's Guizhou Province

House church attack led to ending of in-person service

A house church in India was attacked by a Hindu mob, who vandalized the house and beat the Christian believers gathered inside.

Service at a banned house church was raided in Beijing

The service at Beijing Zion Church was raided by the police, and several members were taken to questioning; one was detained.

Chinese Christian detained for Tiananmen commemoration post

A house church member was almost immediately detained after posting music and a prayer online. 

Fuyang Maizhong Reformed Church was raided again

For the third time in six months, the leader and several members of the house church were taken away by the police.

Three house church members arrested in Vietnam

The arrest of the three Protestant worshippers was without any warrant or reason.

Christians from Hong Kong arrested in China

Nine Christians were arrested; the condition or whereabouts of most of them are unknown.

Reformed Church raided again in China

The church was raided while children came together to pray and sing.