Hindu nationalists block the functioning of the Church in India

A group of nationalist activists stopped a bus carrying Christian youth to a diocesan meeting in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. They blocked the passage of the vehicle, citing leaks as the reason for the planned forced conversion of children from tribal families.
The whole situation lasted until the arrival of the police. In this country, however, the government also currently pursues a policy of oppression of religious minorities, and in many places there are strict laws against conversion.
According to the AsiaNews agency, young people from St. Piusa from the Diocese of Khandwa returned home safe and sound. However, she did not manage to get to the event during which she would participate in activities such as vocational training, learning values or cultural programs for three days. Representatives of the local Church indicate that each community has the right to raise its own children and provide them with conditions for development.
India not only does not seek to curb the activities of nationalist activists, but also seeks to take away property from Christian or Muslim religious unions. The government bases its policy on the statute of limitations on land lease agreements concluded during the British Empire. Generally, however, no such problems arose until the Hindu party of Prime Minister Narendra Modi took power. At present, however, more and more cases of closing, taking away or demolishing schools, orphanages or other institutions belonging to Muslim churches or communities are taking place.
Source: pch24.pl