World News

Christians have been prevented from worshipping in Burkina Faso

According to Aid to the Church in Need International, Catholic churches in Burkina Faso are suffering interference by Islamic groups in the country. In many cases, militants are entering the churches during the service and forcing men and women to sit separately.


In other instances, the sermons are being replaced with Islamic sermons. With this being the case, many people in the villages are not receiving proper pastoral care, and the pastoral care that is occurring is only because it is permitted by Islamists.

This recent interference comes on the heels of an attack that killed 20 people on July 3. It also follows another recent incident in which a New Orleans native, Sister Suellen Tennyson, was abducted from her bed in Burkina Faso in April of 2022. At 83, radicals took her without her glasses, phone, or medication in her nightclothes. She has yet to be found.

The deliberate targeting of Christian worship sites in Burkina Faso has been one of the main goals of the radical Islamic groups targeting the region ever since they started taking root there.


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