Pastor murdered in Nigeria by suspected Fulani militant

Dr. Habila Solomon, president of Charity and Hope Ministry based in Jauro Yinu village, Taraba state, was killed at his home earlier this month by men suspected to be militant Fulani.
“This is the second attack on him, as he was first attacked by herdsmen in his house on Oct. 1, but God shielded him,” Nwamandze Gaius, a pastor based in northeast Nigeria said in a text message to Morning Star News. “However, on Oct. 14, the herdsmen returned and shot him in his chest, killing him instantly.”
“I believe that because some of them (Fulani) have professed Christ, some of the fanatical herdsmen must have seen Dr. Solomon as a threat to Islam, hence their decision to kill him,” said Gaius.
“He was the reason why many people saw hope,” he added. “Dr. Solomon was a great missionary, as he positively impacted thousands of lives for Christ. In the course of doing missions, God used him to provide drinking water, shelter, free education and feed the poor.”
The Fulani are an ethnic group, most of whom live at peace with their neighbors. Fulani Militants, however, are members of the Fulani ethnic group who have been radicalized by a form of extreme Islam. These militants use their trade in cattle to move throughout the country, killing Christians, destroying villages, and taking land.