News from Europe

Student union block pro-life with anti-Christian slogans and insults in Vienna

On the 16. October, around 2.500 people gathered for the "March for Life" in Vienna, a peaceful protest for the rights of the unborn and women. The participants faced opposition and insults from activists who planned to disrupt the march and create blockades, forcing them to change the route.


The call against the pro-life march was made with polarising language by different organisations, including the ÖH (Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft), which is the statutory representation of students’ interests, Antifa, and other political groups.

They organised a “March for Ass” and displayed anti-Christian slogans such as “abort fundamentalists” or “If Mary had aborted, we would have spared you”. Jan Ledochowski, spokesperson for Christian Democracy filed a formal complaint.

Although spontaneous rallies are allowed, blocking the way for another demonstration is illegal, as it interferes with the freedom of speech of other citizens. The march was visited by all generations, including families with children and many groups of friends. 


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