World News

Elderly pastors imprisoned for their faith in Eritrea

In late July, two elderly pastors were arrested in Eritrea and have yet to be release.


Pastor Girmay Araya (75) and Pastor Samuel Okbamichael (74) were taken from their homes in the middle of the night and brought to an unknown location,” reported the news agency Church in Chains. “It later emerged that the two pastors were taken to the maximum-security Wengel Mermera Central Criminal Investigation interrogation centre…”

“Police also intended to arrest Pastor Georgio Gebreab (72),” continued the news source, “but they found him sick in bed and told him he was under house arrest until he is well enough to be taken into custody.”

While Eritrea is one of the most difficult countries in the world to survive as a Christian,  few people  truly understand the harsh conditions taking place in the country today.


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