News from Europe

Scottish court ruled the recent closure of churches unconstitutional

A Scottish court ruled that the government's ban on worship was "unconstitutional, disproportionate and in violation of fundamental rights.


On the 8th of January, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon introduced a complete ban on religious worship as part of the fight against the spread of the coronavirus. Consequently, twenty-seven religious leaders (including the Catholic Church in Scotland) have filed a class-action lawsuit against the state.

The chairman of the hearing, Judge Lord Baird, stated that the criminalisation of religious worship during the current closure had “disproportionately violated religious freedom as guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights.” 

In his opinion, it is impossible to measure the measurable impact of government restrictions on religious sentiment, which cannot be compared to “the temporary loss of company due to the closure of bars and restaurants.”

However, it clearly stated that the ruling did not authorise the immediate opening of places of worship.


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