Deadly attack on Copts in Alexandria: two radical Muslims charged with murder

Two Muslims siblings were officially charged with the murder of a Copt in Alexandria on the 10th of December. They had attacked three Christians with knives and clubs; one of them was found dead, the other two seriously injured.
One of the instigators of the attack, Nasser Ahmad Muhammed, had already attacked the Copts; the trigger was his sick mother’s death the same day. He subsequently gathered up his knives and went into Coptic shops where he destroyed the merchandise. He later stabbed a Coptic man, Ramsis Bouls Hermina, who perished due to the attack. He also stabbed his brother Adel and attacked a clothing store owned by Tarek Fawzi Shenouda.
Nasser Ahmed Muhammed, known by the nickname Al-Sambo, and his two brothers Ali and Anwar led this deadly attack. They had already attacked the Coptic shopkeepers on the street; al-Sambo has already been tried for willful violence.