Six-year-old girl forced to pray Muslim prayer in Bangladesh
Since last December, but especially since Christmas, the Muslim extremists of Bangladesh go from house to house and force Christians to deny their faith and pray Muslim prayers.
The extremists target especially those, who converted to Christianity from the Islam religion.
One of their recent victims was a six-year-old girl who was playing outside her home when the extremists arrived. They forced her to recite the Kalima. When the girls told her mother what had happened, the woman told the attackers to let her daughter alone and threatened them to report their activities to the police.
In Bangladesh, Christian converts are in a challenging situation. In some towns and villages, if they do not reconvert to the Muslim faith, they have to leave the community.
According to a local partner of Open Doors, “Radical Islamists regularly visit the house of every Christians and force them to recite the Kalima, renounce at their faith in Jesus and express their loyalty to the Islam. If the Christians refuse the demand, they are transferred to a mosque, and they have to renounce their faith openly”.
Source: Portas Abertas