Vietnamese Christian imprisoned for trumped up charge returns home

International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that a Christian man named Sung A Khua returned home after serving two and a half years in prison.
In 2018, when Sung A Khua and his family converted to Christianity, they were facing a lot of hostilities and persecution from the local authorities and villagers. Soon after his conversion, the local authorities and villagers came and prevented him and his family from attending church. They were asked to denounce their Christian faith. But he ignored them, continued to attend church, and grew in his faith.
Later that year, the villagers destroyed his house and confiscated his properties, so his family had to move out and lived temporary near the forest.
With the intervention of the leading pastor, the authorities allowed them to return home and repair their house with some support from friends. Similar to many other tribal people living in that area, he went to the forest to log some wood to repair his house. He was soon arrested by the local authorities and brought to the court. On the 26th of November 2018, he was charged for illegally logging and destroying the forest and was sentenced to thirty-month imprisonment.