World News

Nearly two thousand people have been killed by militants in Nigeria in 2020

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Despite the government continuing to fight against the Boko Haram terrorist group, as well as Fulani militants, bandits, and other violent groups, have been able to cause mass devastation throughout Nigeria in 2020.


ICC was able to identify more than 1,900 civilians and government personnel that were killed by Boko Haram and the Fulani militants alone. This number does not include the hundreds of militants killed or the hundreds of civilians killed by unidentified bandit groups.

These two main groups, Boko Haram and Fulani militants often target Christian majority communities in their attacks, and this was again true in 2020. Boko Haram on numerous occasions attacked the villages around Chibok which are mainly Christian, as well as multiple villages throughout Adamawa state including Garkida, which are predominantly Christian.

Fulani militants in Kaduna, Plateau, Benue, and Adamawa States also attacked majority Christian farming communities regularly. This groups claimed the lives of more civilians and Christians than Boko Haram did in 2020. Despite this, This Nigerian government continues to turn a blind eye on the attacks taking place throughout the Middle Belt.

Source: ICC

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