World News

Persecuted Christian girl died from cancer in Cameroon

The ex-Musulman Sadia, died on the 15th of December, after suffering for two years from cancer. Even though her family tried to reconvert her to Islamism, she remained loyal to Christ until her death.


Sadia converted to Christianity three years ago, at the age of seventeen. As her Muslim family did not want to accept her conversion, she had to move to live with a Christian family in the country. In 2018, she was diagnosed with cancer, and she underwent two surgeries.

In 2019, her doctor told Brazilian Open Doors, that the girl was not in good health, and the prayers of the faithful were more needed than ever because her cancer was more aggressive than expected.

In her final months, Sadia talked with her mother on the phone, who constantly tried to convince her to return to Islamism and go back home. Despite these efforts, the young girl persevered in her Christian faith.

During one of her last conversations with the members of Open Doors, she said:

“When I read the Gospel, I feel peace. God became my dad. I did not know him before, but now he protects and takes care of me. I always ask myself why I have to be ill, but He always sends me people who care about me and donate blood to me. I really feel His love.”

Source, photo: Portas Abertas

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