World News

American Senator asks for investigation against a Netflix movie that contains child pornography


Ted Cruz, a Republican senator urged the Department of Justice of the USA to investigate the production and distribution of a Netflix movie, that contains child pornography.


The film in question is the French-produced “Cuties” (its original title is Mignonnes), which sexualises 11-year-old girls. According to Cruz, the Department of Justice has to determine “whether Netflix, its executives or the individuals involved in the filming and production of “Cuties” violated any Federal Laws against the production and distribution of child pornography.”

In the movie, the girls perform dances simulating sexual conduct, including at least one scene with partial child nudity.

CitizenGo has already started a campaign for the removal of the film from the Netflix platform, but the film is still available on the streaming service.

However, Netflix apologised for the movie’s tasteless summary, and for the “inappropriate” photo that they had chosen to popularise the programme.

The summary, that has been since then removed, read:

“Amy is an 11-year old girl who wants to join a group of girls of her age who dance sensually, and she starts to discover her own femininity and to enter into conflict with her religious family”.


Source: Acidigital

Photo: CitizenGo

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