World News

Three Christians flee Iran

Three Iranian Christians had to flee the country to avoid 35 years of prison for their faith. They escaped a fortnight after two other Christians had been found in the same situation.


Kvian Fallah-Mohammadi, Hadi Asgari, and Amin Afshar-Naderi  could not look for shelter in their home country anymore, because their case was well-known in the whole of Iran. Their case is connected with the situation of the Christians who fled some weeks ago, and trace back to a December 2014 Christmas celebration. Many of the more well-known cases date back to several years ago; their outcomes have only reached some type of conclusion within the past year.

For these Christians, leaving Iran is a painful and difficult process, but staying at home is not an option. Iran seemingly wants to force Christians out of the country and confine Christianity as much as possible.


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