World News

Australian medical conference defends Christian vision amid LGBT pressure

The stakes were surprisingly high for the Australian Catholic Medical Association as it held an online conference last Saturday on Christian approaches to topics such as sex and gender.


Several Australian states have considered proposals to mandate the medical affirmation of transgender identity and sexual orientation that, the Catholic association says, could in effect outlaw the Christian vision of human health and psychology in medical care, in the name of banning “conversion therapy.”

“The Christian tradition to healthcare brings with it a very long and rigorous intellectual tradition to the understanding of the human condition,” Dr. Eamonn Mathieson, chair of the Australian Catholic Medical Association committee, told CNA on the 28th of May. This tradition is “a perspective that is founded in love and radically rejects the use of any person as a means to an end or as a means to serve the goals of any peculiar ideological agenda.”

The Catholic medical association is hosting an online medical and bioethics conference on the topic “Sex, Gender and the Human Person.” Co-sponsors are the Australian Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia. International participants are encouraged to register and attend online or watch recordings after the event.

“This conference will especially examine the issue of transgenderism in the young given the sudden surge of cases of rapid onset gender dysphoria in Australia and around the world,” Mathieson said.

“In particular, we will discuss the issue of “gender affirmation only” strategies now widely used in gender clinics, and now being considered by legislatures to be made compulsory and enforceable by law. Such developments have very serious implications for health workers as well as teachers, parents, not to mention children presenting with this condition,” he added.

He continued by explaining that there is a growing risk of “outlawing healthcare based on Christian anthropology” given legislative developments and “the prevailing ideologies that are reflected in the position statements of a growing number of medical organisations and healthcare governing and representative bodies.”

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