World News

A convert to Christianity was burnt alive in the Ivory Coast for leaving Islam


The ex-Muslim Ouattara Adama de Bondoukou was burnt by his own brother on the 19th of May. He managed to escape but died nine days later because of his injuries.


Ouattara Adama de Bondoukou was a young person who left his Islamic faith to follow Jesus. His brother, angered by his conversion,  poured petrol on his sleeping body in an attempt to burn him alive.

Despite his grave injuries, De Bondoukou mustered the strength to flee to the house of his spiritual leader where he was immediately transferred to hospital. Doctors tried in vain to  save his life; sadly, nine days later, on the 28th of May, Quattara died of his injuries.

Adama had lost his parents as a child, and he was brought up by his brother. At the age of 20, when he converted to the Christian faith, his brother refused to give him food, or let him bathe in the family house.

Some days before the deadly attack, Adam asked his brother to deliver his birth certificate. The brother threatened him that he would burn not only the birth certificate, but also Adam himself, if he did not return to the Islamic faith.

Source: Portas Abertas

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