News from Europe

French bishop denounces ‘violation’ of Catholics’ right to ‘participate freely in Mass’

"The Catholic faith is nourished by the real presence of Jesus Christ. The Church is realized unceasingly through the sacrifice of the Mass, where Christ's unique sacrifice on the cross is made present." With similar ideas, Bp. Bernard Ginoux's strongly worded letter received widespread attention in the French Catholic media.


In a pastoral letter to all the faithful of his diocese, Bishop Bernard Ginoux of Montauban made an impassioned plea for the rights of Catholics to practice their religion.

In his pastoral letter, Bishop Ginoux commented at length on the continued prohibition of public worship, stating: “Our freedom is at stake and it is being seriously undermined.”

The bishop made it clear that no civil law can overturn the fundamental right of religious liberty. He pointed out that for Catholics, Mass is much more than a mere community gathering; it is the renewal of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross.

Bishop Ginoux also insisted on the specific need for Catholics to join Mass physically, especially now the coronavirus epidemic is receding and at a time when many other activities are permitted.

Here is the full article and LifeSite’s full translation of Bishop Ginoux’s letter.

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