World News

Attempted attack against Armenian church failed

The Armenian Patriarchate in Turkey released a statement on 8th of May that the Church Dznunt Surp Asdvadzadni was targeted in a hate attack by an individual who tried to burn the church, International Christian Concern reported.


An unsuccessful attempt to burn an Armenian church in Turkey failed. According to ICC, the perpetrator ran away from the scene.

The failed attempt attack occurred on the 8th of May. As described in the statement of the Armenian Patriarchate in Turkey, the endeavour is considered a hate crime. 

The indigenous Armenian community of Turkey faced ethnic cleansing during WW1 by Ottoman troops and Kurdish paramilitaries. Millions of Armenians fled the country or were killed between 1915-1922. Turkey does not acknowledge the historical event as genocide.

Turkey has been placed on the State Department’s annual “Special Watch List” which includes “governments that have engaged in or tolerated severe violations of religious freedom.”

Turkey labels USCIRF report ‘biased’ and ‘unsubstantiated’

See full article here.

Photo is courtesy of Unsplash.



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