Card. George Pell: “War on Christianity is real. I experienced it the hard way”

"The cultural war is real. There is a systematic desire to remove Judeo-Christian legal foundations in matters such as marriage, life, sex and sexuality. There are also those who oppose this (...) I think that I became a part of this war" - emphasised Cardinal George Pell in an interview with Skynews. Through a decision of the Supreme Court, the Australian Archbishop was released from prison following allegations of sexual abuse of minors.
“The worst moment came immediately after the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Victoria. I would never have imagined that several judges would not accept my appeal. I don’t even remember what I felt then, I was so absorbed in maintaining control over myself,” – Card, Pell explained.
“I never felt abandoned. I received over 4,000 letters. I felt very sorry for my family and loved ones about what they had to go through, but I received amazing support. I would probably be extremely disappointed if I spent four or five years in a cell,” he added.
The cardinal quickly developed a daily routine. He continued to pray and to get up early. He ate properly, exercised every day. “I also had time to write and read, many friends sent me books and articles so that I entered this routine quite well. I treated it as a secular version of retreat and seclusion. The retreat is a time when you go to a monastery or something similar, except that in my case it was more mundane, because I had a treadmill and a TV in my cell – he recalled with a smile.
“I don’t feel angry. I have never had a grudge against my prosecutor, I just feel sorry for him (…) I have no idea what motivated him, I just wonder if he was someone’s puppet” he concluded.