News from Europe

Austria: modernists want Holy Mass but without a priest!

Will the crisis related to the coronavirus epidemic become a catalyst for modernist changes in the Catholic Church? This is what the Austrian dogmatist Jan-Heiner Tück is afraid of. In his country, some would like to introduce "celebrations of Holy Mass without a priest."


In Austria, some of them said that in the absence of a celebration of the Mass for the faithful, people should celebrate “their own Easter Holy Mass” without a priest. Others recommend confessions to be done by phone, which Tück considers another attack on the priesthood.

“Some want to bring closer the dream of a democratic church,” criticises the professor. The scholar explicitly mentions the moral theologian Daniel Bogner of the University of Friborg, who encourages “celebrating” a kind of “cult memorial of the Last Supper without a consecrated person.” He also noted that, Professor Hans Pock from the University of Vienna, encouraged the Austrian Episcopal Conference to “introduce” the consecration of bread and wine in the homes of the faithful.

Tück points out that such proposals have no justification in Scripture or Tradition, and they completely disregard the sacramental character of the priesthood.”The sacraments are related to physical presence. There is no baptism without water, confirmation without chrism, Eucharist without bread and wine. It just can’t be done,” wrote the professor.


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