‘Culture itself is hostile to Christian faith’, conservative commentator Matt Walsh says
Conservative writer and contributor of The Daily Wire is warning about complacent Christians in America, saying that in some cases, Christians are called to be intolerant. Matt Walsh released his second book earlier this month titled, Church of Cowards: A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians.
Conservative author Matt Walsh is warning of those complacent Christians who are tend to construct their own religion by arbitrarily picking some ideas from the Bible but neglect the context and teaching. This is often linked to the agenda of tolerance and inclusion, he noted.
According to a survey published by the American Culture and Faith Institute in 2017, only about one in 10 Americans hold a biblical worldview even though nearly half of them claim to lead a Christian life. Among millennials, only four percent have a biblical worldview.
Speaking to Christian Post, Walsh said that “if you look at the statistics, we know that the number of Christians is declining while the number of secular atheists is going up.”
There are many aspects that can shape a person’s faith and worldview. As Walsh noted, those include parents, the church, education and culture.
“And that’s a problem because the culture itself is so aggressively hostile to Christian faith and very determined to, especially with kids, convert them into secularism and relativism”, he added.
When the acceptance of same-sex relationships or LGBT-lifestyle are the measures of tolerance, this can be a pressure for many Christians to cherry-pick those parts of the Bible which “confirm what they already believe.”
Christians in the West need to “reclaim our warrior spirit” and their “willingness and eagerness to fight back against sin and corruption and evil that we see in our society”, he explained to Christian Post.
“I think Christianity has always been a warrior faith.
If you go back to the Gospels, now Jesus is often portrayed as being this peacenik-hippie type of figure. But again, if you actually go and read the Bible, particularly the Gospels, you’ll find that’s not who Jesus was”, he added.
He also warned that in many churches they teach that tolerance is the “ultimate virtue” which is almost equal with “love” and “compassion”.
Therefore, according to him, churches need to be more courageous in addressing the challenges of culture and need to encourage people to self-sacrifice and repentance.
See full article here.
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