News from Europe

“Humanitarian” islamist criticises France for giving asylum to Asia Bibi

Idriss Sihamedi is the founder of the BarakaCity association. On Twitter, he expressed his anger for the fact that French President Emmanuel Macron offered political asylum to Pakistani Christian refugee Asia Bibi.


“A Pakistani woman living in Canada, ACQUITTED in Pakistan for “blasphemy “, receives an invitation from President Emmanuel Macron who offers his political asylum as if to thank her for her hatred of Islam. France DEEPLY hates Islam,” Sihamedi tweeted on February 29, 2020.

The BarakaCity association, which managed to raise 16 million euros of funds has been accused several times of endorsing Salafism. Its is interesting to point out the fact that its leader Idriss Sihamedi is being watched by French security services.

While all French people should honor the proposal made to Asia Bibi, this man who calls himself humanitarian, questions this decision and tries to make people believe that it would be an offense. Thus, he not only considers it normal to sentence to death a woman whose only crime is to be a Christian, but he also manages to present it as a persecution of Islam.


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