Coronavirus: Church of England issues guidance to local churches

As the risk of coronavirus increases Anglican churches in London and the South East have received guidance from the Church of England on how to avoid the further spread of infection. The virus which originated in China's Hubai province has now seen over 43,000 confirmed cases globally while the death toll in China has risen to over 1,000. Eight Britons have tested positive for the new strain which has been named Covid-19 by the World Health Organisation.
In response to the outbreak, the Church of England has issued guidance to parishes in London and the Diocese of Chichester – which covers the South East advising churches “not to soldier on” and to take precautions in the event of a larger outbreak.
A statement from the Archdeacon of London reads: “If someone is ill then call 111. Do not soldier on. This will help prevent the spread of disease. Those who are assessed as being at risk (which currently means those who have travelled back from a number of Far Eastern countries the last 14 days) are asked to self-isolate at home while tests are done.”
The document recommends making changes to sacraments in order to protect parishioners from sickness.
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