World News

Somalia: unrest fuels humanitarian crisis, Christian persecution

Somaliland, Africa

Nearly a third of Somalia’s population needs relief aid to survive, the UN reports. That’s primarily due to a neverending conflict between the makeshift government and armed radicals.

The latest round of al Shabab attacks in Mogadishu exemplifies Somalia’s ongoing instability. Suicide and car bombs killed more than 30 people between March 21 and 28, Breitbart News reports. An aggressive air campaign led by U.S. military is helping – air strikes have killed more than 200 militants since January – but it’s not enough.

Christians aren’t immune from Somalia’s instability. In fact, it’s a contributing factor to their persecution.

According to Open Doors USA’s David Curry, “You don’t have a strong, central, united government. And even if you did, some of these extremists would fight it. That’s why it’s also been a good spot for terrorists to set up their training camps.”

In Somalia, where 99-percent of the population is Muslim, Christians are considered a “high-value” target.

Here you can read more about the Christians’ situation in Somalia

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