In Venezuela, a group of armed men attacked a Catholic church and desecrated the Eucharist during a Mass where children were preparing for their First Holy Communion

The Parish Council of the church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Maracaibo acknowledged that on Sunday, the 27th of January, armed men attacked their church during a Mass celebrated as preparation for children soon to make their First Holy Communion. The perpetrators also desecrated the Eucharistic hosts.
Journalist, Lenin Danieri posted on his Twitter account that the tragedy began after a number of faithful had gathered behind the church. Without warning, they were attacked by a group of armed people. The faithful ran into the church to seek shelter but were followed by their attackers.
In a video circulating on social networks, a priest states that the perpetrators of the attack, in an attempt to disband the group of faithful, opened fire inside the church, profaned the sanctuary and damaged church decorations. The parish priest, Fr. Andri Sánchez was also attacked during the disturbance and attempts were made to kill him. It has since been revealed that the assailants were members of the PSUV ( United Party of the Socialists of Venezuela).
According to the parish pastoral council, some 700 people, who regularly attend this Mass, have been adversely affected by the events. The pastoral council has therefore decided to close the church until the government guarantees the security of participants at the parish Masses.
Se realizaba el Cabildo en la cancha de la parte posterior de la Iglesia Guadalupe en San Francisco #Zulia cuando grupos de trabajadores de la alcaldía (así los identificaron) amenazó y hasta disparó contra los presentes. Se metieron al templo pensando estar seguros
— Lenin Danieri D (@LDanieri) January 27, 2019
Source: Acidigital