Pope Francis meets young Christians studying in Hungary who were persecuted in homeland

During a general audience on Wednesday in St. Peter’s Square, twenty scholars who study in Hungary under the government programme were presented to Pope Francis, State Secretary of Prime Minister’s Office in charge of aiding persecuted Christians Tristan Azbej said in a statement.
After the meeting Azbej reported he told the pope about the work of the Hungarian government in assisting the persecuted Christian communities, and Francis “praised our Hungary Helps programme”.
The pope was “deeply touched” by what the Hungarian government was doing, he said, adding that the young people were studying in Hungary to equip themselves with European knowledge before returning to the Middle East and Africa to help rebuild their communities.
The Hungarian government’s scholarship scheme, an integral part of the Hungary Helps humanitarian programme, is in its second year, making it possible for almost 200 young people to study in Hungary, he noted.
The young Christians are from Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Nigeria, Egypt.
As part of a two-day Hungarian series of programmes in Rome, a Hungarian documentary about Eastern Orthodox communities in the Middle East is being screened on Wednesday evening.
Eduard Habsburg, Ambassador of Hungary to the Holy See, also attended the meeting together with the scholarship students.
Különleges és áldott pillanatok: 400 erdélyi magyar zarándok testvérünkkel együtt énekeltük el a Székely Himnuszt a vatikáni Szent Péter téren, közvetlenül a pápai kihallgatás után.Köszönet a felvételért: Juventutem Magyarország.
Közzétette: Azbej Tristan blogoldala – 2018. október 10., szerda
The video footage shows some special moments immediately after meeting the pope. Around four hundred Hungarian pilgrims are singing the National Anthem of Szeklerland in St. Peter’s Square, in Vatican City.
Source: dailynewshungary.com