Tag: Saudi Arabia

The war in Yemen put Christians of the region at risk

2022 has seen a dramatic escalation in military operations in Yemen and the surrounding region.

USCIRF releases updated report on religious freedom in Saudi Arabia

The government persists in cracking down on freedom of religion, prohibiting Christians from praying and worshiping in public.

Blinken emphasizes human rights in meeting with Saudi prince

As of now, there is not a single church building in Saudi Arabia.

Christian woman kept in captivity by her own family in Saudi Arabia

The parents of an ex-Muslim woman prohibited her from going back to her husband.

Half of the world population face religious persecution

According to two recent reports, more than half of the world's population suffer from growing religious persecution.

Saudi Christian faces two trials and death threats

The Christian convert, his wife, and his son are facing violent death threats as a result of their faith.

Saudi Arabia revises radical textbooks

Christians and other non-Muslims are still labeled as infidels in the updated versions.

U.S. Senators: India should be designated as a "country of particular concern"

According to USCIRF, India should be considered amongst the world’s worst violators.

Saudis welcome abolition of flogging as judicial sentence

Offenders who were once sentenced to flogging will now receive fines or prison sentences instead, the (HRC) said.

Saudi governor shows example of the Mother of Jesus to overcome the coronavirus

Asīr governor is urging people to learn from Mary's perseverance. Trust in God, strength to survive and courage in difficult times