Saudi Arabia revises radical textbooks

International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that school textbooks in Saudi Arabia have undergone significant updates and changes, according to a report completed by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se). These changes include the removal of passages promoting hatred of religions besides Islam and women’s subservience to men.
Saudi Arabia is known for its textbooks full of radical rhetoric and encouraging violence. The changes made to the school textbooks make an effort to tone down or remove these passages and present more moderate content.
While significant and required updates were made, the new textbook editions fall short of acceptance of all religions and tolerance towards Christianity.
These school textbooks are presented and understood to be from the government’s mouth to the ears of the students. Textbooks can either help moderate radical ideology or promote it, so it is crucial for these latest changes to only be one step in the revision process and not the final edition.