Tag: Northern Ireland

Safety fears for Catholic police officers in Northern Ireland

Catholic officers have been advised to bring guns to mass after Northern Ireland data breach

Supreme Court allows Northern Ireland's prayer ban in front of abortion clinics

The tendency to limit freedom of religion is on the rise across Western Europe.

Teenagers interrupt Holy Mass and vandalise a church in Northern Ireland

Damage estimated at £1,000 caused inside church, it is claimed

Northern Ireland and its extreme abortion regime

London is trying to impose the most extreme abortion regime in Europe on a reluctant population.

Post-Catholic countries want to show the Church "where it belongs"

In today's post-Catholic societies, secular authorities want the Church to "know its place," explains columnist Charles Collins.

Northern Ireland churches attacked over four hundred times in three years

On average, an attack on religious buildings, churchyards and cemeteries happens almost every other day in Northern Ireland.

Over 600 anti-Christian acts recorded in Northern Ireland in five years

Catholic churches represent the religious symbol that is the most often targeted by vandals.

Could quoting the Bible become a "hate crime" in Northern Ireland?

The Presbytarian Church of Ireland insists that freedom of speech must be protected in any new legislation.

Scottish Episcopate: Allowing domestic abortion is "an ideological decision"

During the coronavirus pandemic, the Scottish Government lifted restrictions on pharmacological abortions at home.