The cleared site of Jesus' baptism is again available to the faithful
"The reopening of this place to pilgrims and tourists will be a historic day," Father Faltas told Vatican Radio.
President Trump announces peace deal between UAE and Israel
The UAE has become the third Arab country to have established peaceful ties with Israel.
Christian advocacy group hails Israel-Emirates deal
President Donald Trump announced the diplomatic accord on the normalization of relations of the United Arab Emirates and Israel
Dozens of French Jews immigrate to Israel amid rising anti-Semitism
Israel expects to welcome more than 10,000 immigrants this year.
Jordanian think tank criticized for referencing Bible
A former Palestinian ambassador, have argued that the use of Biblical texts in such a document should not be pursued.
Jerusalem: Restrictions on Holy Week and Easter due to coronavirus
The Holy Thursday Mass was transferred to the Pentecost because "it makes no sense without the participation of diocese priests".
In Holy Land, Churches denounce persistent anti-Christian attacks
For the past ten years there has been a notable increase in the number of anti-Christian attacks and incidents in the Holy Land
Bishop in Israel says schools are incubating anti-Christian intolerance
Most of the Christians in Israel are Arabs belonging to either the Greek Catholic, Greek Orthodox, or Roman Catholic Churches.
Holy sites are under quarantine in the West Bank
The Palestinian Authority has ordered to prohibit the visit of the Holy Sites for at least 30 days.
Bishops propose Arab World Youth Day for Middle East Catholics
The proposed “World Day of Youth of the Arab Regions” would take place in Jordan as the first host country.