Bishop in Israel says schools are incubating anti-Christian intolerance

Religious tensions in Israel are millennia old, but Christians in recent years say they have been attacked by some groups of Israeli settlers in traditionally Christian regions, and attacks on Christians have also been documented in the city of Jerusalem. Most of the Christians in Israel are Arabs belonging to either the Greek Catholic, Greek Orthodox, or Roman Catholic Churches.
A bishop in Israel has renewed a call for educational leaders to address “bigoted attitudes” in the teaching of young people, and stated that failures of the Israeli education system to promote plurality is threatening religious diversity in the Holy Land,- CNA reported from Jerusalem.
“It is undoubtedly a question of education, and one that is caused by a more general problem of a certain cultural outlook, namely the refusal to accept the diversity of the other,” Auxiliary Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem told Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).
“We are extremely concerned because the mutual acceptance of others in society is the only sound basis of every society, above all amid the very great ethnic, cultural, religious and political diversity of Israel and the Middle East.”
The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem has repeatedly called for educational measures in response to vandalism attacks.
You can read the whole article here.
Featured picture shows a recreation of the antique market in the lower streets of Jerusalem in the Old Jewish quarter, back in ancient times.