German church vandalised in Sandhausen
According to the police it seems that the perpetrators were not looking for money.
Two arson attempts on a German church in the last weeks
The police are investigating the case.
German Catholic priest finds remains of an arson in his church
Church fires are becoming dangerously common across Western Europe
German Catholic politician publicly mocked for his religious beliefs
Germany will vote on the 26th of September for the new federal government and the successor to Chancellor Angela Merkel.
German law allowing ban on religious symbols in workplace confirmed by ECJ
Thiscould mean that Christians would not be allowed to wear any Christian symbol, lika a necklace with a cross in their workplace.
German church subjected to vandalism and theft
The perpetrators caused an estimated damage of 2500 Euro, excluding the stolen money.
Hundreds volunteer with Samaritan's Purse to help victims of flooding in Germany
Over 177 people died in Germany as a result of the historic natural disaster.
German Church loses 200.000 faithful every year
In 2020, the episcopate recorded 104,610 baptisms, which is two times less than the acts of leaving the Church community.
More than 220,000 people left the Catholic Church in Germany in 2020
More than 220,000 people left Catholic Church in Germany in 2020, according to official figures released on Wednesday.
Pakistani Christian living in Germany threatened with deportation
It is unknown how long the visa procedure will take and when Jahangir will be allowed to re-enter Germany.