Pastor Pawlowski wins legal victory
Pawlowski expressed gratitude that, "finally, something positive, something good is happening".
California church faces $2.8 million in fines for holding In-person services
Since the beginning of the pandemicm restrictions on religious freedom have intensified at a staggering pace.
Restrictions on religion at high levels worldwide even before lockdowns
Pew found that 43 countries were found to have “high” or “very high” social hostilities regarding religion.
Ugandan church sues government over "draconian" COVID-19 worship ban
In response to an increase in COVID-19 cases, long-serving Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni enacted strict lockdown measures.
Canadian health authorities barricade a church
Earlier this year, the church's pastor was jailed for a month and a half for refusing to respect health restrictions.
Police in Ireland fine Catholic priest for offering public Masses
Police have fined a Catholic priest for celebrating public Masses amid a nationwide lockdown.
Malta's Episcopate cancels Masses for the faithful
Parish offices will only be open for basic services and preferably by appointment only.
Christians criticise ban on communal worship in Scotland
If the claim is successful, the Scottish Government could be ordered to let churches open immediately.
Baptism service broken up by police for defying lockdown rules in Great Britain
“The pastor agreed not to proceed with the baptism or the in-person indoor service,” explained a police spokesman.
San Diego strip clubs reopen while churches remain closed
Many California churches have been fighting legal battles with authorities for months to reopen in-person services.