News from Europe

Malta’s Episcopate cancels Masses for the faithful

The Archdiocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo have suspended public Masses until the 11th of April. The bishops explained their decisions expressing concern for the health of residents in the era of the third wave of the coronavirus.


According to a directive issued on the 11th of March, Churches in Malta will remain open to private prayer only for one month. Funerals and weddings may be held with a limited number of participants. In the face of the increase in infections, Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta invited people to pray.

The Archdiocese of Malta encourages parents to refrain from baptising their children after the 11th of April. If the rite is scheduled in advance at this time, it should be performed without Mass and with a small number of people. The visit of the sick with Holy Communion is also suspended, except in cases where the person is in critical condition. 


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