Pope Francis urges priests to bring Eucharist to the sick
“We continue to pray together for the sick who suffer from this epidemic,” Pope Francis declared.
Italy: Deprived of Mass, Christians unite in non-stop online Rosary prayer
In the absence of the opportunity to hear the Holy Mass, the faithful are mobilizing for 24-hour prayers online.
Diocese of Rome cancels all public Masses, announces day of fasting and prayer
This follows a decree by the Italian government suspending all public religious ceremonies in response to the coronavirus outbreak
Pope Francis comforts people infected with coronavirus during his Angelus
For the first time Pope Francis did not appear in the window from which he traditionally adresses the crowd.
Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity closes over Covid-19 fears as Easter looms
The Nativity Church receives some 10,000 tourists a day, according to Palestinian officials.
Mike Pence mocked for praying with coronavirus task force at White House
The gathering occurred as Pence was assigned to spearhead the government’s response to the global outbreakeak of the coronavirus.
Lourdes shrine closes healing pools as precaution against coronavirus
Many churches emptied holy water fonts and several dioceses recommended worshippers receive Communion only in the hand.
Dioceses in northern Italy suspend Mass during coronavirus outbreak
Italian bishops in the area have taken various measures, including asking Catholics to receive the Eucharist only in the hand.
Hong Kong diocese cancels public services, in Philippines: no handshakes
The Catholic Church issued guidelines to stem the spread of the disease.
Coronavirus: Church of England issues guidance to local churches
Eight Britons have tested positive for the new strain which has been named Covid-19 by the World Health Organisation.