News from Europe

Pope Francis comforts people infected with coronavirus during his Angelus

On Sunday March 8, 2020 Pope Francis assured of his prayer for people suffering from the coronavirus. He conveyed these words from inside the library of the Apostolic Palace, from which his Angelus was broadcasted.


This unprecedented decision was made to avoid the risk of anyone getting infected with the coronavirus. On Sunday afternoon, far less people than usual were present for the Angelus. They watched the broadcast on the screens.

Speaking from the library, the Pope first admitted that the circumstances of this prayer were “strange”. He emphasized that it was necessary to avoid infection. He assured the faithful that he could see them.

“I am close in prayer with those who suffer from the current coronavirus epidemic and with all those who care for them,” Pope Francis said. 

“I join my brothers bishops in encouraging the faithful to experience this difficult moment with strength of faith, certainty of hope and fervor of love. Let the time of Lent help us to give the Gospel sense to this moment of trial and pain,” he added.


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