News from Hungary

Hungary provides assistance to persecuted Christians

Hungary Helps

Hungary not only talks about solidarity, but by taking the side of action, provides direct assistance to persecuted Christians," declared the Hungarian government's State Secretary responsible for programs aiding persecuted Christians, on the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.


Tristan Azbej highlighted that the Hungary Helps program, launched seven years ago, supports the consolidation of Christian communities in the Middle East and provides humanitarian assistance, food, and medicine to displaced Christians in several African countries.

He explained that providing assistance is in Hungary’s national interest as it prevents a new wave of migration. On the occasion of the commemoration day, the State Secretary drew attention to the fact that, according to statistics, more than 300 million people worldwide are discriminated against or systematically persecuted by various terrorist organizations because of their Christian faith.

He noted that there is little global discussion about this tragedy, especially in the West where there is an attempt to hide and even deny that the majority of the world’s religiously persecuted are Christians. Currently, one of the most dangerous places for Christians is Nigeria, where 3,000 to 4,000 Christians are killed annually by local terrorist organizations, he said. He also reminded that ten years ago, the Islamic State terrorist organization drove Christians from the Nineveh Plains in northern Iraq, an area “inhabited by Christians since biblical times.”

As he said, hundreds of thousands of Christians fled their homeland. Hungary was the first to stand by persecuted Christians, he highlighted. He stated that they supported the reconstruction of depopulated villages. The remaining community first requested help to rebuild their churches, he emphasized. Additionally, Hungary contributed to the reconstruction of six hundred damaged buildings.

The current goal is to strengthen educational and social institutions, and by restarting agricultural production, support livelihoods, he said. He emphasized that the program has started to facilitate resettlement back to the area. It gives hope that Christian presence can remain in the broader Holy Land, Tristan Azbej articulated.

Source: MTI

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