Forest tribe in Cambodia will have a new church

The construction has already started after gaining government permission. The church will fulfill the pastoral needs of the rising number of Bunong Catholics.
In the Keo Seima nature reserve in Mondulkiri and Kratié provinces, Cambodia, the construction of a new church just started. The church will satisfy the needs of local Catholics belonging to the Bunong tribe.
Most of the Bunong people work in agriculture and are traditionally animists. However, in recent decades, several of them have converted to Christianity. In the nature reserve, there are 70 Catholics and 15 catechists, but the number of believers is growing rapidly.
The construction of the church is a response to the growing number of Catholics. After gaining permission for the new church, construction started on February 10. About 150 priests and religious gathered at the foundation stone laying ceremony,. Bishop Pierre Suon Hangly officiated the ceremony.
Bishop Hangly said that this church would be
“a center for the proclamation of the Gospel, a point of light and evangelization to proclaim the love of God to all the people in the area.”
Source: UCAnews
Photo: Catholic Cambodia