Päivi Räsänen’s battle for religious freedom and free speech continues
Päivi Räsänen, a Finnish Member of Parliament, faces charges for tweeting a Bible verse. Her case has led to a fascinating discussion on the role of religious freedom and free speech in the public square.
ICC President Jeff King has had the opportunity to interview her a few times and share the story from her own words. She explained that, if she were to be convicted, her case would be a tipping point of persecution for her nation. Receiving charges for simply tweeting a Bible verse, the message was clear: Keep your religious opinions out of the public square.
Her case has been a rollercoaster over the past four years and raises a number of questions about the importance of free speech. Her trial began on 29 August, and at the time of writing this article, we are monitoring the case closely.
Facing charges for a simple act–tweeting a Bible verse–Räsänen’s case has captured international attention. For many, it raises concerns about the erosion of fundamental freedoms in a world that increasingly scrutinizes and, in some cases, penalizes religious expression.
Source: persecution.org