György Hölvényi: “An ageing European society must fight against the culture of destruction”
The Member of the European Parliament for the Christian Democratic People's Party highlighted a discourse in their interfaith task force about the best practices of the Austrian Caritas Socialis and the serious challenges societies face in relation to ageing.
The Catholic Church, the world’s largest non-governmental healthcare provider, operates 115,352 health and social hubs. There are more than 5000 hospitals and 8200 elderly care centres.
Pope Francis continued his series of reflections on old age during his catechesis at the General Audience on Wednesday.
His Holiness said that the elderly must be loved and honoured.
“They are not outcasts to be shunned but living signs of the grace of God, who provides life in abundance”.
His Holiness said that love for the human person, including honouring a life lived, is not only a matter for the elderly but is rather “an ambition that will bring radiance to the youth who inherit its best qualities”.
György Hölvényi, who has been appointed a ‘representative of peace’ by the KDNP (Christian Democratic People’s Party), accentuated:
“In an ageing European society we have an increased responsibility to convert this idea into reality.”