Radical Hindu nationalists attack pastor’s family in India

Radical Hindu nationalists attacked a Christian Pastor and his family in their home on January 14th. The radicals stormed into the house around 10 pm when the family was about to go to bed. The three Christians were beaten so severely that they were admitted to the hospital and are being treated for their injuries.
According to Pastor Rakesh Babu, eight radical Hindu nationalists broke into his house and assaulted him, his wife Rekha, and his brother Anand. The mob did not give Rakesh a chance to ask why they were being attacked.
“I tried to run away after receiving a couple of hits on my head and my back. They chased me and continued to beat me until I collapsed. I could hear someone saying kill him, kill him!”
Pastor Rakesh Babu shepherds 100 Christians in Byaspur. Earlier in the day, local villagers warned the Pastor that they were going to demolish the Church building, which is adjacent to the Pastor’s house. He has been serving for more than 15 years and is no stranger to harassment.
Source: persecution.org