Celebrations in Fatima again under sanitary regime in Portugal

The anniversary celebrations at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima on the 12th and the 13th of July will be held again under the sanitary regime. Pilgrims will have limited access to the apparition shrine and candle lighting, and no more than 7,500 people will be allowed to appear in the main square.
The Health Resort confirmed that over 3,000 new daily infections have been reported. The rectorate of the sanctuary said that the medical service of Portugal accepted the participation of a similar number of pilgrims as during the previous 104th anniversary of the apparitions in Fatima in May and June this year. This means that up to 7,500 people will be able to visit the main square of the sanctuary at the same time.
According to the local rector, Fr. Carlos Cabecinhas, the place is sanitary safe. He also noted that […] pilgrims will enter the main square in front of the basilica only through eight designated places.
He added that guests will also have limited access to the apparition shrine and to the candle-lighting site located in its vicinity. Participants in the July celebrations, led by Bishop José Lemos Montanet, the Ordinary of the Spanish diocese of Ourense, will be required to wear protective masks and maintain social distancing.
Source: pch24.pl